Tuesday, May 27, 2008

June 11, 2008 is Coming!

Hey, June applicants, are you getting nervous? Don't! You've been working hard on what I’m sure is a great application! As you’re giving everything the final once-over, make sure
  • you have all the required evidence for your activities as identified in the Professional Development Activity List
  • the page numbers in your application and your scanned evidence match( (it’s always the obvious things that trip us up, isn’t it!)
  • you have made a clear connection between your activities and the indicators to which you’ve assigned them
  • you proof your narratives for grammar and typos (best foot forward!) and have asked someone else to read them and give you feedback. It doesn't have to be another OT...a significant other, sibling, or friend will do!

For last minute questions and reassurances, don’t forget to take advantage of one of the remaining Q&A sessions on either Tuesday, June 3 at 4:00 EDT or Thursday, June 5 at 1:00 EDT. Sign up online!

Maria Elena E. Louch, Professional Development Program Manager

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found it useful to have a visual representation of my activities and the competecies. It allowed me to see where I could best place activities to meet different standards. I made a chart to refer to for quick reference.