Friday, August 8, 2008

What Does “Service Delivery” Entail?

Initial certification for both Board and Specialty Certification require a certain number of service delivery hours. Service delivery involves the provision of “services to an individual, group or population that includes the occupational therapy process of evaluation, intervention, and outcomes.”

In case you already read that in your handbook glossary and still have questions, let’s break it down…

First of all, your employment verification hours can be from either paid work or volunteer work. Your clients can be

  • individuals receiving 1:1 OT services
  • groups of persons receiving services, or
  • populations

Some examples of service delivery with a population include:

  • Serving as a consultant to make artistic programming at the local theater accessible to persons who may be in wheelchairs, have vision impairment, have a limiting psychiatric diagnosis, etc.
  • Establishing transitional programs at a university for students on the autism spectrum who are starting college.
  • Developing an aquatic therapy program for the local YMCA for persons with arthritis.

Service delivery may occur in any setting – clinics, homes, schools, work places, sports centers, etc. – and may involve research, consultation, and more. The key is that in all cases, you must be

  • evaluating the client need
  • establishing an intervention plan (delivery of intervention may be either direct or through others)
  • and assessing the outcomes of your intervention

So whether it’s on the job in a clinic or through volunteer work in your community, when you bring your expertise as an OT practitioner to the table in an effort to influence quality of life, you’re probably “delivering service!”

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Service delivery hours…are they really too much?

Would you go for a root canal with a dentist who hadn’t actually touched a patient in 5 years? If you were told you needed to see a medical specialist because your needs were beyond the capacity of your general practitioner, would it be enough for you to see someone who rarely dealt with your condition?

One of the foundations of the AOTA Board and Specialty Certifications is that they are considered to be practice certifications. That doesn’t mean that managers, researchers, and faculty can’t apply. It does mean, however, that all applicants need to have some actual service delivery hours in the area. What does that mean for certification candidates?

Let’s break it down using the assumption of 4 vacation weeks in a year and a 35 hour work week.

Specialty Certification

Specialty certification is valid for a period of 4 years. Applicants need to have 600 hours delivering services with clients in the specialty area. Given the above criteria for work hours and vacation, that breaks down to approximately 3 hours a week over 4 years – less than 2 days a month.

Board Certification

A minimum of 5 years as an OT is necessary to apply for Board Certification and BC is valid for 5 years. Applicants need 5,000 hours in the certification area, which can include anything from service delivery, to teaching, to management, to research, to consultation. Those hours can be met in 3 years working full time in the area; 4 years if you don’t work summers.

Of the 5,000 hours, 500 need to be delivering services with clients (individuals or groups). Those 500 hours break down to approximately 2 hours a week over 5 years.

Want to do it in less time?
Here’s what you need to meet the service delivery hour requirement…

Specialty Certification

4 years = 3 hours/week = 9% of caseload
3 years = 4 hours/week = 18% of caseload
2 years = 6 hrs 15 min/week = 27% of caseload
1 year = 12½ hours/week = 36% of caseload
6 mos. = 25 hours/week = 72% of caseload

Board Certification

5 years = 2 hours/week = 6% of caseload
4 years = 2½ hours/week = 12% of caseload
3 years = 3½ hours/week = 18% of caseload
2 years = 5 hours/week = 24% of caseload
1 year = 10½ hours/week = 30% of caseload
6 mos. = 21 hours/week = 60% of caseload

So what do you do if you don’t have the hours? Keep working on getting them! And use that time to develop a great portfolio that really highlights your achievements in meeting the competencies and indicators. Then, when you have your hours, all you have to do is click “Submit” and you’re on your way!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How much evidence is enough?

We sometimes get questions about how many pages of evidence an application should include. Your final page number will depend on
  • the total number of activities you submit (remember a single activity may be used up to 4 times) and
  • the different types of activities your application includes (a letter with a description and verification of volunteer service may be 1 page, whereas evidence for program evaluation may be 3 pages).

Reviewers really don’t want to see every little thing you’ve ever done (especially if it’s not relevant to the application at hand), and they don’t want to have to dig through a tomb to get to the heart of your application. Neither do they want to be left with questions because something is missing.

Applications with 35 pages of evidence have been approved, and applications with 200 pages of evidence have been approved.

To date, the average number of pages of evidence submitted with an application is 68.

Remember when you’re putting your evidence together to “communicate” with the reviewer by highlighting relevant information with arrows, circles, or actual highlighter. Including the indicator number(s) on each page is not required, but is always a welcome help.

Keep up the good work!

Maria Elena E. Louch, Professional Development Program Manager

Friday, June 27, 2008

Action Needed on Therapy Cap Exceptions Process!

If you see clients that receive Medicare benefits, you'll want to take a look at this Action Alert and make your voice heard by June 30!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Did someone say discount?

Are you and your colleagues supporting each other on the development of your applications? Well, you’re in luck because AOTA offers a group discount on certification! Here’s the deal:

  • You must be from the same work setting. This doesn’t mean you have to be working in the same facility, but you do need to be part of the same organization; for example, the same national long-term care company or the same school district.
  • You must be applying at the same time. You may, however, be applying for different certifications.
  • Payment for all applications must occur using a single payment method, i.e., 1 check or credit card payment to cover 5 people.

How much is the discount? Well, the more people applying, the greater the discount!

  • 5–10 applicants = 10%
  • 11–20 applicants = 20%
  • 21+ applicants = 25%

Contact for more details specific to your group!

Maria Elena E. Louch
Professional Development Program Manager

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Time to F.O.C.U.S.!

Here’s an approach you can try to help understand the competencies and indicators a bit more…F.O.C.U.S.!

In the presentations I’ve been doing at state conferences, people who have used the application manual and followed this process have shared that it has helped immensely. Take the application manual, a pen, highlighter, and make sure you have some time (meaning you have time to think critically about what you are reading and aren’t rushed). The F.O.C.U.S. approach is the following:

Frame the context of the competency and indicators by reading the client outcome.

  • For each competency, read the competency, the client outcome(s), and the indicators for the competency. What is the real meaning of the competency? Possibly make some notes to yourself at the top of the page near the competency. Maybe you need to check out some of the references identified for that competency if things aren’t quite clicking for you.

Objectify thoughts by identifying key words.

  • Go through the competency and indicators and highlight with a marker or underline “key” words in the competency. For example, “Engages client and relevant others in identification and prioritization of strengths and limitations to plan occupational therapy interventions for feeding, eating, and swallowing” is not just about prioritizing strengths and limitations for treatment planning. Key words here are that the specialist also “engages client and relevant others.” The client outcomes for this competency also speak to the client’s active participation in the process. Having a better understanding helps you start to organize your thoughts regarding the professional development activities you’ve been involved with that you can use to demonstrate your ability to address the competency.

Clarify key words by using the application glossary and Occupational Theapy Practice Framework.

  • What words are confusing or possibly “new” to you? There is a glossary in each application handbook. “Relevant evidence” and “relevant others” are terms that are used in all the certifications extensively. Applicants would be doing themselves a disservice if they did not take a moment to check and see what the authors meant by these and other terms!

Unmask personal biases and put them aside so they don’t inappropriately influence your interpretation.

  • We all have our own experiences, values, and preferences that we bring to every situation. Being able to recognize those and separate them in order to form an objective review of the competencies and indicators is important. Do you have biases about what clients can and can’t do based on your personal – not professional – experience that colors your view? Do you think you can’t learn anything from a fieldwork student? What are your biases?

Summarize & synthesize your interpretation of the competency by validating it against the indicators and client outcomes, and the indicator by validating it against the competency and client outcomes.

  • Taking the time to make sure you clearly understand the competencies and indicators – and how they apply to your practice! – is an important first step in preparing a successful application. Once you’ve done all of the above, try to make sense of things relative to your work with clients. Once you’ve FOCUSed, then it’s easier to look at the Professional Development Activities List and determine what activities you’ve engaged in to best meet the indicators.

I think most of us do well if we have a goal and then set aside time regularly to work toward that goal. I’ve found in my discussions with people that working with someone toward certification is helpful and setting aside time to regularly go into your online application and work on writing the reflections to complete the process is helpful as well. Is there someone in your department who’d be interested in working on the application process with you as you go along? Someone form your state association? Or maybe just someone online! Whoever it is, make a plan to F.O.C.U.S.!

Christine Urish, PhD, OTR/L, BCMH

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

SAGE advice…at a discount!

Gero folks, have you been looking at the competencies and indicators for Board Certification and said to yourself, “I wish I could talk to someone about these?” Well guess what? We’ve got the next best thing: someone talking to you. Over 550 pages of talking can be found in the new Self-Paced Clinical Course (SPCC) Strategies to Advance Gerontology Excellence: Promoting Best Practice in Occupational Therapy, or SAGE for short.

Wait! Don’t run away peds and other folks, there’s something here for you too. Patience, patience…

The editors of SAGE were part of the panel that developed the competencies for Board Certification in Gerontology, and they have kindly structured the sections of SAGE around the gero competencies. How fabulous is that? What’s even more fabulous? You can get it at a discount!

In case you missed it, AOTA is offering 20% off many products and publications through June 15!

Whether you are working toward (or thinking about!) certification in any of the 8 areas offered by AOTA, now is the time to stock up on that professional development! Here’s how you can use it toward certification requirements:

  • For continuing education like SPCCs and online courses it’s pretty easy. These are considered to be “Learning – Formal” according to the Professional Development Activity List in the certification handbook. You save your documentation that shows a minimum of 12 hours of participation (you’ll get a certificate after passing the exam) and print out and save the course description and learning objectives from the web site and you’re good to go as far as documentation needed for certification.
  • You want to buy a textbook, which doesn’t come with a certificate? Never fear! The category “Learning – Self-Directed (Independent)” is for you! Just make sure to establish your personal learning objectives for reading the book, track the number of hours you spend with it/them (you need a total of 12), and write up a brief critical analysis.

Now that you are armed with this information (not to mention a great discount!), here are some ideas of products to consider for each of the certification areas:



Mental Health


Physical Rehab


Driving and Community Mobility

Environmental Modification

Feeding, Eating, and Swallowing

Low Vision

See you at the bookstore!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

June 11, 2008 is Coming!

Hey, June applicants, are you getting nervous? Don't! You've been working hard on what I’m sure is a great application! As you’re giving everything the final once-over, make sure
  • you have all the required evidence for your activities as identified in the Professional Development Activity List
  • the page numbers in your application and your scanned evidence match( (it’s always the obvious things that trip us up, isn’t it!)
  • you have made a clear connection between your activities and the indicators to which you’ve assigned them
  • you proof your narratives for grammar and typos (best foot forward!) and have asked someone else to read them and give you feedback. It doesn't have to be another OT...a significant other, sibling, or friend will do!

For last minute questions and reassurances, don’t forget to take advantage of one of the remaining Q&A sessions on either Tuesday, June 3 at 4:00 EDT or Thursday, June 5 at 1:00 EDT. Sign up online!

Maria Elena E. Louch, Professional Development Program Manager

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Feed Me!

Did you notice? Now you can receive Blog updates automatically simply by subscribing! Look in the right hand column of this page toward the bottom. If you are web-nically inclined, you can even get RSS feeds. If you don't know what an RSS feed is, you are not web-nically inclined and should stick to subscribing via email! :)

Monday, May 19, 2008

I Can’t Figure Out the Points!

Helpful hint regarding points: Stop thinking about them!

Yes, there are numbers assigned to the competencies, the indicators, and the professional development activities. What would our world be like without numbers! While we can explain what they mean, the probability is that they won’t ultimately matter if you approach the application correctly. Here’s what I mean…

If you select your 1 best activity for each indicator in each competency, it is highly likely that when you are done assigning activities to every indicator (without even having thought about points) you will have reached your total point requirement. If you actually don’t have enough points, then you can go back and pick your 2nd best activity for 1 or 2 (whatever it takes) indicators in the competency where you are short.

That’s it…don’t think any more about it!

Okay, realizing that there are still some folks out there who need to understand the nitty-gritty, here you go…

  • Each competency has been weighted in relationship to the other competencies, which is ultimately translated to the total number of required points for that competency. All competencies combined equal 100 points.
  • Likewise, within each competency all the indicators have been weighted relative to each other. So indicators may be worth .5, 1, 1.5, or 2. The total value of all indicators within any given competency is 10.
  • When you assign a professional development activity to an indicator, the points that you receive for that activity (let’s say the 2 points you get for a “Case Study” being applied to a Knowledge indicator) are multiplied times the value of the indicator. If the indicator was valued at .5 points, you would get 1 point. If the indicator is valued at 2 points, you would get 4 points.
  • There is no minimum point requirement for each indicator, only a total point requirement for each competency. As long as you have 1 activity for each indicator, you are fine, regardless of how many points you have attributed to that particular indicator.

Don’t let the numbers be the focus of how you approach the application, though. That method can really prevent you from putting your best application forward! The best applications represent a thoughtful appraisal and reflection on the activities that best represent how the applicant met the requirements of a particular indicator – regardless of how many points were assigned!

Maria Elena E. Louch, Professional Development Program Manager

Monday, May 12, 2008

How Many Activities Do I Need?

How do you determine if you have the "right" number of activities represented in your application? From a purely numbers perspective:

  • You must have a minimum 5 of the 32 activity categories represented in your application. For example, you may have (1) Case Study, (2) Fieldwork Supervision, (3) Learning - Formal, (4) Presentations - Live, and (5) Quality Improvement. You may certainly have more than 5 activity categories represented.
  • You can use as many different individual activities within a single category as you want. For example, your application might have 7 case studies in it.
  • Each single activity (e.g., each unique case study) may be used to address up to 4 indicators. It does not matter which competencies those 4 indicators represent; they can all be from 1 competency…or you can use the activity for 1 indicator in 4 different competencies…or any other combination of 4 indicators you can come up with.
  • All indicators for all competencies must be addressed. You may use as many different activities as needed to meet that requirement and support the application.

Having the "right" numbers alone isn't enough, though. The goal is to select the best activity for each indicator. It is certainly possible that 1 activity may be used for only 1 indicator and nothing else. An applicant could have a uniquely different activity assigned to every indicator; resulting in 31 different pieces of evidence (in the case of peds, for example) if that's what they felt gave them the best application.

As you are choosing activities to assign to indicators ask yourself, "Does this activity best represent my ability to meet the requirements represented in this particular indicator relative to this competency? As you answer that question for yourself, jot your thoughts down and use them to guide your response to the reflection for that competency later!

Maria Elena E. Louch, Professional Development Program Manager

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Employment Verification Form

How do I track my hours for verification?

It is up to you how you would like to track the specifics of your service delivery. We ask only for the employment verification form to be submitted, so you just need to be sure that whoever is verifying the information feels comfortable and ethical with whatever tracking system you use.

Keep in mind that if you work in a setting in which you have a diverse caseload and you are applying for specialty certification, you may need a more discreet tracking system. For example, if I see a variety of diagnoses for phys rehab and am applying for Board Certification in Physical Rehabilitation, my total hours worked is going to be fine. However, if I am applying for Specialty Certification in Low Vision, I need to be able to count only those hours with clients whose intervention included low vision as part of my service delivery hours for part B of the Employment Verification Form.

I’m Self-Employed, who can sign my Employment Verification Form?

Because private practice takes on many different forms, there are varying ways in which employment verification may be handled. Examples of who might verify the form include:

  • an administrator for a company/organization that contracted with the private practitioner for services
  • the referral source
  • a business partner or co-owner
  • the accountant for the practice

You may include multiple verification forms if that is what is needed. If none of the options listed above fit your situation and you have an alternative source for verification that you would like to use, you may forward that information for review and approval to prior to submitting an application.

What do I do if my former place of employment has closed or been sold?

In the case a business has been sold, you may still be able to get verification from the new owners since they are required to maintain records for a period of time. If you are able to contact a supervisor from a previous employer, you may use that person as well.

What do I do if my former supervisor no longer works at the institution from which I am trying to obtain employment verification?

Typically institutions will have employment records and another individual can verify the hours worked. Consult the human resources department of the agency/institution.

Until next time, keep working on collecting your evidence and moving forward on your application!

Living Life To Its Fullest!

Christine Urish, PhD, OTR/L, BCMH &
Maria Elena E. Louch, Professional Development Program Manager

Monday, April 28, 2008

Reflections - How are they different?

When writing your application reflections, how do you keep from being redundant from one reflection to the next? The answer keeping your focus!

Reflection 1 – PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PORTFOLIO (answered for all competencies): Describe how the professional development activities submitted for this competency helped you meet the identified indicators and why you believe they were the best approach to learning.

  • This reflection should focus on the activities you submitted to demonstrate achievement of the various indicators in each competency. Why did you choose them?

  • How did the activities you chose support your learning and professional development relative to the indicators? For example, did you learn new information or have old ideas validated? If so, describe them.

  • Why were the activities you chose the best approach to learning? For example, was mentoring a good choice because of its interactive nature and the ability to develop interpersonal skills more fully?

  • Did you discover that something wasn't very meaningful for you? Was there something to be learned form that discovery?
Reflection 2 – PRACTICE CHANGES (answered for the 3 competencies of your choice): How has your practice changed as a result of meeting this competency?

Now that you've engaged in all the activities discussed previously, how has that translated in terms of your practice? What did you start doing differently or start emphasizing more? For example, do you find you are now more conscious of certain cultural issues with clients? Do you consistently implement a new evaluation or intervention methods? Do you engage families in ways you never did before? Are you able to articulate with greater confidence to others the value of OT and what you’re doing?

Reflection 3 – CLIENT OUTCOMES (answered for same 3 competencies as #2): Describe how the practice changes you have identified above have influenced your client outcomes.

Continuing with the examples above, now that you are more conscious of cultural issues, do you find that you encounter less resistance form clients? Has implementation of new interventions resulted in a change in the type of outcomes you see? Are you able to be more effective programmatically because you are advocating for services with greater confidence and more evidence to support your position?

Take your time to reflect carefully on each section and how it relates to the rest of the information you are submitting as part of the application. And remember, 300 – 750 words go faster than you think…this blog entry is 410 words!

Maria Elena E. Louch, AOTA Professional Development Program Manager

Monday, April 21, 2008

Successful Certification Applications...Step 1!

Many times practitioners ask my advice on how to be successful in applying for Board or Specialty Certification. Simply, it is a goal-setting process in which you must carefully attend to all steps in the application process.

First of all, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of reading the directions! The first thing I tell practitioners to do when they are considering certification is to download the application and read over it completely. Read it once to just let the words wash over you; read it a second time for understanding. And as you are completing the application, read each section you are working on to make sure you are following the instructions correctly! Don’t hesitate (or wait until the last minute!) to ask questions either.

Then--just as we would do with a client--set realistic goals for the completion of each step. When I was preparing my application for board certification, I completely under-estimated the time it would take to gather all the evidence and to complete the reflections. Assuming you actually have a fairly well organized collection of evidence to support the various professional development activities you’ve engaged in, a minimum of 3 months is not an unreasonable expectation. Especially if you’re not planning to block an entire weekend or more to work on the application!

Take your time with this…it’s supposed to be a meaningful process that helps you really look at your practice and think about where you’ve been, how you’ve grown professionally, and where you’re going next. Savor the journey…and take a friend along for the ride!

Christine Urish, PhD, OTR/L, BCMH

Monday, April 7, 2008

Competence/Competency - what's the difference?

Competence is all about building capacity. Competency is the examination of current performance against standards. This is considering an individual's actual performance in a particular situation.

AOTA certification programs focus on continuing competence, or the building of capacity to meet identified competencies. This is important because what a profession can be is dependent on the continuing competence of its members.

With this being said....what have you done lately to build your capacity? Have you begun your Board or Specialty Certification application? If so, great! Keep going. If not, what is holding you back? Maybe you don't know where to begin? The first step is to download the application handbook and read through it. Please continue to visit this blog as the process of applying for Board & Specialty Certification is presented and discussed. I look forward to your input & questions.

Christine Urish, PhD, OTR/L, BCMH

Monday, March 31, 2008

AOTA Conference - Board & Specialty Certification

AOTA conference will be here before we know it. I'm looking forward to that California SUN! However, I know that my employer is paying for my attendance; therefore, I'll be at many sessions to learn new information to share with students and colleagues when I return to Iowa.

Are you working on your Board or Specialty Certification application? Planning on attending conference? Check out these sessions offered by other AOTA certified practitioners who will help clarify the connection between their session and certification! You can use Program Builder on the AOTA website to customize your conference schedule.

Below are some courses you might consider!

Key: Institute = IN, Workshop = WS, Short Course = SC, Research Platform = RP


IN 010 (CBOT) (Cert) Back to the Basics: Feeding, Eating, and Swallowing Throughout the Lifespan

IN 020 (Cert) Strategies for Collaboration in School-Based Practice


WS103 (Cert) Feeding, Eating, and Swallowing in Children and Adults: Cases and Advocacy

SC102 (Cert) A Self-Management Program for Individuals With Parkinson's Disease

SC114 (Cert) Implementing the Principles of Occupational Justice Into American Occupational Therapy Practice: System-Wide Barriers and Creative Solutions

SC118 (Cert) Self-Report Evaluation To Identify and Predict Occupational Performance in Adults with Low Vision

RP203 (Res) (Cert) Further Investigation of Brain Physiology Underlying Sensory Processing Disorders Using Electroencephalography

SC201 (Cert) Occupational Therapy Practitioners in the Land of Low Vision and Blindness Rehabilitation: Navigating the Maze

SC219 (Cert) Vision and Falls: Recognizing Risk Through Screening and Prevention

WS214 (SIS) (Cert) School System Annual Program: IDEA Part C: Early Intervention and Occupational Therapy Services

RP244 (Res) (Cert) The Effectiveness of Sensory Integration Treatment Interventions With Children Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorders


SC314 (AOTA) (Cert) Response to Intervention and School-Based Practice: Linking Policy to Practice

SC337 (Cert) Visitability and Universal Design as Foundations for Inclusivity and Occupational Performance

WS305 (SIS) (Cert) Gerontology Annual Program: Essential Skills for Working With Older Adults With Low Vision


WS405 (Cert) Optics and Occupational Performance: Using Devices to Enhance Treatment Outcomes

SC429 (Cert) Transactional Approach to Analyze Complex Meanings and Benefits of Occupation in Older Adulthood

Christine Urish, PhD, OTR/L, BCMH

Why AOTA certification?

AOTA Board & Specialty Certification provide a framework for professional development that is specifically geared to the profession of occupational therapy.

For example, I am an occupational therapist Board Certified in mental health (BCMH). My signature looks like this: Christine Urish, PhD, OTR/L, BCMH.

I could have pursued certified psychiatric rehabilitation practitioner (CPRP) certification, which is administered by United States Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (USPRA). This is a certification related to psychiatric rehabilitation, and I value this certification; however, it is not unique to occupational therapy. My AOTA Board & Specialty Certification is unique to occupational therapy, and my employer recognizes my advanced knowledge and skills and the expertise which was required to obtain this certification.

I've heard of a couple of therapists who were successful in obtaining increased salaries as a result of obtaining Board and Specialty Certifications here in Iowa.

The process of Board & Specialty Certification is built upon the Standards of Continuing Competence, an AOTA Official Document developed by CCCPD. It is important that I emphasize that obtaining Board or Specialty Certification is a process, something that takes time. Recently in an article in the AOTA MHSIS Quarterly (page 2), Victoria Schindler chronicled her process in the development of her Board Certification application for mental health.

Take a minute and review Victoria's article. I'm certain you will find her review of the process helpful and encouraging. Then I encourage you to establish a personal goal for when you will begin your application!

Hope to see you at AOTA Conference and come back to visit this blog often!

Christine Urish, PhD, OTR/L, BCMH

Welcome to the Board & Specialty Certification Blog!

Greetings! I'm glad you took some time from your busy schedule to check out the Blog the Commission on Continuing Competence & Professional Development (CCCPD) has launched in conjunction with the Board for Advanced and Specialty Certification (BASC).

This Blog will provide information on the Board & Specialty Certification processes and offer resources and tips to assist you not just in preparing for certification, but in the ongoing process of professional development. We encourage you to come back regularly to see new information as it becomes available! AOTA Board and Specialty Certification is awarded to individuals who have demonstrated the capacity for meeting identified competencies and indicators that reflect either advanced (Board) or specialized (Specialty) occupational therapy practice through a peer reviewed reflective portfolio process. Check out the AOTA Certification Home Page link to download certification information.

Board Certification is available to occupational therapists who have been practicing for at least 5 years in a broad area of practice and have 5,000 hours in the certification area, 500 of which are direct service to clients. Board Certification is available in Gerontology, Mental Health, Pediatrics, Physical Rehabilitation.

Specialty Certification is available to occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants with at least 2,000 hours experience in occupational therapy, 600 hours which must be concentrated in the specialty area delivering services to clients. Specialty Certification exists in the following areas: Driving & Community Mobility; Environmental Modification; Feeding, Eating & Swallowing; and Low Vision.

We hope that this Blog will help to answer some of your questions about getting started in the application process or help you navigate through the application process in your pursuit of Board or Specialty Certification.

Christine Urish, PhD, OTR/L, BCMH